How to Re-Adjust to Office Life Post Quarantine

If you’re like us, you’re back in the office after weeks of remote work. While it’s nice to have a change of scenery and be back with your co-workers, it’s tough to acclimate back to the way things were after they’ve been so uprooted for so long. And, some of you may still even be remote and won’t have to face the struggle of re-acclimation until much later down the road - it’s a mixed bag for sure. With this in mind, it’s okay to ease back into things at the office. So, in order to properly readjust, check out a few of our tips:

  • Comfort is KEY - So, we’re hopefully coming off of the hump of an insane global pandemic. Things are far from normal. And guess what, that’s okay! It’s so easy to want to force normalcy where it just doesn’t fit. Social distancing still exists, and let’s be real - this virus still exists too! We certainly aren’t out of the woods just yet and we must still be cautious in everyday life - even if restaurants and stores have opened back up. Do what makes you comfortable. If you have to go into the office, practice social distancing, wear a mask if that’s something you find necessary, sanitize your station...Do the things that you think are best for you and will make you feel the most comfortable when easing back into everyday life as an in-office employee. So, find out what the office is doing to keep everything and everyone safe and then see if there’s anything that you feel is missing that you’d like to implement.

  • Routine Re-Vamp - Obviously your new routine as a remote employee will now be replaced by another “new” routine AKA your old routine...Following? Stick with us. Now that things are back to the way they were - or at least they’re on their way there with every passing day, it’s so important to be able to adjust. Acclimating to the old normal from this new normal is tough. You aren’t home, so on one hand there’s minimal distractions, but on the other hand, you’re back in the office. You can’t run and whip up lunch or take a yoga break. Life is changing back to corporate and it’s hard to give up that nice routine that you came to love… but it’s time to switch gears and get back to the routine that you had before. It’ll take time, don’t force anything, remember?

  • Communicate, Communicate, Communicate - In a time of pandemics, social distancing, and masks it’s so important to continue to safely stay connected. We realize the odds of a full boardroom are slim these days. So, it’s still just as important as ever to communicate. Being in office has a huge advantage - Your team is right there! Zoom meetings are hopefully dying down as the offices fill back up - So, because of that it’s your job now to pick up those communicative skills we know you have. Be clear in your new routine, your comfort level, your workload, and what you can do to help.

  • Schedule it! - Remember how important time blocking was about 3 weeks ago? Well, it’s just as important now! Scheduling your day, planning your weeks, blocking your time...It’s so crucial to your efficiency and your success as you ease your way back into the office. Not to mention, with your team popping their heads in every few minutes, it’s very easy to lose track of tasks and “to-dos” from those around you. So, as soon as something pops up - schedule it! Write it down, set aside time to get those important tasks done. Make a plan. Don’t let those distractions get in the way of your productivity. Want to learn more ways to schedule your day? Check out our blog on time blocking here.

  • Help Out - If you’re feeling confident and ready to go, one thing you can do to make sure others feel similarly is to help out! There are a million and one tasks to be done most days and sometimes those “one person” tasks really require two people. If you see someone struggling, feel as though you have free time, or need to feel as though you’ve done your part for your team - help out! Lend a helping hand. Be willing. Be available. Even if it’s something as simple as wiping down door handles at 4 p.m. on a Friday - It means so much to those around you and really helps you also feel as though you’ve contributed in a way that’s bigger than yourself. A willing and helpful teammate is never a bad thing.

Whatever it may be, it’s so important to readjust - However long that might take you. Remember to never force anything that isn't’ there and be always able and willing to assist and help out your team. And, most importantly, make sure that you’re always comfortable with what’s going on. If there’s things that are out of your control, see what you CAN control and take back some of that security.