How to Manage Increased Responsibility at Work

We can’t deny the incredible amount of change that all of us have experienced thus far due to the coronavirus. And, if your company was affected (which, it probably was) then there is a chance your duties have changed. With this being said, an increase in duties can cause major stress and potential anxiety for those in roles with added responsibility. Especially if these responsibilities are brand new. So, if you find yourself in a position with a lot of change, you’ll want to keep reading for tips on how to manage this newfound responsibility!

Prioritizing is Your Friend

Whether you’ve added one additional responsibility to your plate or 50, there’s never a bad time to start prioritizing. And, chances are, if you have increased responsibilities there’s a chance you had normal responsibilities before right? Are you following? Stay with us...So, if you had a normal routine before and now you’re thrown to the wolves, it’s going to be okay. It’s certainly going to be a learning experience but prioritizing is your friend. Take a step back and look at your original duties. You might not have time anymore to sit and enjoy a morning coffee or spend 2 hours replying to emails. You might have to hit the ground running, time block your day, and work backwards from highest priority to lowest. Evaluate your time spent and time you could be spending as well as your new duties - what needs to be completed by lunch? What can't wait until this afternoon? Everyday might be different and there might be some trial and error but you can do this!

This is an Opportunity to GROW

Sometimes things happen that are out of our control and out of our comfort zone. That’s life! But, the ways in which we deal and respond to those changes is what matters most. We can allow certain changes and adjustments to define and destroy OR we can allow them to adapt and learn. Don’t look at it as the newfound impossible. Look at it as a newfound opportunity to LEARN! Your mindset is key. This is an opportunity. If your boss or director passed along new or larger challenges your way - there’s a pretty good chance that they believe you can handle it. And, guess what, whether they believe you can handle it or not...You can. Change the way you think about this situation. Everyday will end - this moment is not forever.

Ask for Help

Are you the only person in the entire company dealing with change?....Probably not. Odds are, there are others dealing with the exact same issues and concerns that you are! You certainly aren’t alone and there are others in this with you. Remember the saying “misery loves company”? Well, we certainly hope you aren’t miserable but we do think there is something to be said about being comforted by knowing you’re not in a situation alone. So, ask for help. If someone on your team or at work had experience where you’re struggling, ask them for a minute of their time. Certainly if you’re all a team there should be no problem with assisting you! Don’t be afraid to reach out.

Be Willing

This is something that takes time and few people can truly achieve this but be a willing teammate, co-worker and person in general! So many people, when faced with difficulties, run away. They can’t handle the stress, they don’t want to try, and they don’t give themselves the opportunity to learn. We guarantee that being willing to at least try will get you far. Your team, your boss, your directors - they’ll notice your willingness and they will then be able to reward you. Plus, your willingness will help you learn. Sometimes you have to be selfish and think of the ways in which you can benefit and, hopefully this will increase your motivation, work ethic, and productivity and you can turn into an asset to your team.

Be Content

This is another one that’s hard for a lot of people. But learning to sit in the bad times and the stressful times and find contentment or fulfillment will make you such a better teammate and person overall. No job, boss, company, or duty is perfect. There are going to be difficulties and pain points and struggles - that’s life, remember? But, if you can learn to just be still, be content, and find fulfillment in your role at your company, this will better assist you in adjusting your lens and perspective.